Did PHP 8 break your website?
Xneelo Best Hosting
and is current with software upgrades
Our approach at The First Step when dealing with a PHP update on your server, is to put your site into maintenance mode. Head over to your Xneelo Konsoleh control panel and login to your account. Take a moment with the following steps to see if PHP version 8 breaks your site…read on…
Do it yourself for free, here’s how
A few easy steps
Want to troubleshoot this yourself? For Free? Here’s how….
Ready? You can do it!
Login to Konsoleh here > Manage Services > PHP Config and review your php settings.
On a shared hosting server max out your settings
Upgrade to PHP 8.0
Set ‘Display Errors’ to on
Save your settings. Visit your website. What do you see?
Your website is broken
All you see is lines of code at the top of your screen.
Don’t panic! Read between the lines. You will see pointers to plugins or theme that will give you an idea of what is causing the conflict with the new php update.
There is an error message and you are locked out of your site!
Don’t panic! You got this. Here is what you do. You log onto your ftp server. This article does not cover ftp servers, but we will explain how to find your ftp server settings in your Xneelo Konsoleh dashboard:
To find your ftp server settings Login to Konsoleh here > Manage Services > FTP Users. You will see your FTP username but no visible password.
Simply click ‘Reset Password’, copy the autogenerated password, and save
options. You will then open your ftp client and connect to your website using your domain name, ftp user and ftp password. Nothing will break if you reset the password. If you are using your ftp password to log into Konsoleh then you will need to use the newly generate one for the next login.
Whew! that was a lot of info… What now? I’m on my FTP server.
On your FTP server, navigate to public_html > wp-content > plugins. Rename the plugins folder to plugins1.
Clear your browser cache , visit your site, reload the page, and voila! 9 times out of 10 your site will be back online. Now you know for sure it is a plugin conflict. But which plugin. Well…you can use the same method for the plugins folder on the individual plugins. Rename the plugins1 folder to plugins again. Then one by one rename each plugin, check if the site goes back online. If not, revert to the plugin name, try the next plugin, adding a 1 at the end of the plugin folder name. This is an arduos method but if you have not managed to figure out the errors or you are completely locked out of the site, this should regain you access.
I can do this I’ll carry on reading…
Inbetween the lines of code that the errors display you will see file directories. You are looking at plugins, themes or WordPress errors.
Step 1. Ensure all your plugins, themes and WordPress versions are up to date.
Step 2. Disable the offending plugin / Switch to a default WordPress theme and reload your website page. If the error goes away you know that the culprit is either the plugin or the theme. If it is a plugin you rely heavily on for your site, you will need to start searching for a new one that has kept up to date with the PHP updates and set this up to replace the offending plugin.
If your theme has broken your site, you will need to contact the theme developers and take things from there.
If you are not using the plugin that broke your site, delete it and have a nice day!
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